First-time Carrier Payments
Financial compensation for your Surrogacy is paramount. We are fully transparent in our agreements. We understand there may be additional and unexpected costs along the way. Rather than giving you an inflated, best-possible compensation figure, below we outline the better-than-most compensation figures Rocky Mountain Surrogacy provides for our Surrogates.

Gestational Carrier Compensation $50,000
Monthly Allowance $300 per month starting when contract is finalized
Transfer Fee $1,000
C-Section Fee $3,500
Mock Cycle Fee $500
Start Med Fee $500
Maternity Clothing Allowance $500 (Twins $750)
Multiples Fee $7,500
DNC, Amnio, Etc. $1,000
Loss of Organ $5,000
Life Insurance $450
4-6 Weeks Lost Wages – Varies
Transfer Fee $1,000
C-Section Fee $3,500
Mock Cycle Fee $500
Start Med Fee $500
Maternity Clothing Allowance $500 (Twins $750)
Multiples Fee $7,500
DNC, Amnio, Etc. $1,000
Loss of Organ $5,000
Life Insurance $450
4-6 Weeks Lost Wages – Varies